You click the 'Add to Calendar' button to download an event file but you receive the following error message: '429. Plan exceeded. We're sorry but the request can not be processed. The referring website using the 'Add to Calendar' service is related to a free Hobby account which has exceeded its monthly limits. If this is your website, please click here.'
You are using Bonzai On-Premise.
This issue is related to rate-limiting in the 'Add to Calendar' third-party plugin. It was fixed in the backend by our Engineering team, but we have since received some recurrences and this is currently on the backlog for our development team.
If you need support with this issue, please open a support ticket.
<supportagent>Agents only:
This issue was resolved in BOINT-20071, but has since returned (see this ticket for example).
We have received an update from from the Development team that the following message can be shared with the customers: This is on their backlog, but it won't be fixed before Q2 based on the current priorities.</supportagent>