You wish to know how often does the Stock Ticker update information - does it display real time data of stock prices, is there a lag etc?
The stock ticker currently pulls data once a day so it is not showing real-time data. The date which our Bonzai Site is pulling for Stock is from Site https://www.alphavantage.co/ which posts updates at the close of trade only. Even if the ticker is amended to pull information more frequently, the actual trade information provided by AlphaVantage will remain the same.
The request for providing near-real time information on the Stock Ticker has already been submitted to our Development Team as a Product Feature Enhancement request, for consideration in a future product release of Bonzai.
Note: Polygon.io offers a restful and API method of retrieving delayed or live tickers, with various configuration options. However please note this is not supported as a core Bonzai functionality and would need further investigation from your Development Team to implement successfully within your environment.